
Tuition for local in-person lessons is $150 per month, and will have 4 lesson days. Months that have 5 of your lesson days will have an optional free lesson. Each lesson runs 30 minutes, and are given on the same day and time on a weekly basis once your slot has been scheduled.

Internet lessons - (Best Value and Most Popular) If you live too far away and because of the cost of travel, I do offer lessons over the internet via Facetime or Skype. Tuition for internet lessons is $130 per month and will have 4 lesson days. Months that have 5 of your lesson days will have an optional free lesson . Requirements for internet lessons are a high speed internet connection and adequate lighting.

Floater lessons – Online or In Person - (Online) If you want to take lessons, but cannot make a weekly commitment, I offer floater lessons. These lessons are scheduled when time and days are available. Floater lessons can be an hour lesson, or half hour lesson. These lessons do have an up charge over what weekly lessons cost. Fee for an hr lesson would be $70, a half hr lesson would be $40. (In Person) Floater lesson are also available depending on lesson room schedule openings. Fee for in person floater lesson is $90 for an hr, $50 for 1/2 hr.

In-home coaching - (capital district area) – If you want to have one on one lessons, but do not have the time to drive to the location I teach, I do offer in-home lessons. These lessons are only available as an hr lesson, and can be scheduled when a time and day is available. The fee for in-home coaching lesson $120 for the hr, and must be within a 30 minute drive from my location.

Quick Lessons - Having trouble with a certain technique, scale, or chord change that you need a quick answer to ? I do offer specific topic driven lessons that can focus on a specific problem you may be having with your playing. These lessons are priced on a case by case basis. For more information, please fill out the contact form so a specialized lesson can be scheduled.

Added Benefits - Unlike most teachers, I allow for videoing of all lesson material so the student has a complete understanding of the topics covered in their lesson. I am also available via text to answer questions a student may have after their lesson. If a student needs advice in regards to guitars, amps, or how to achieve the sound of their favorite player.... I can guide them in getting the proper set up which will help inspire them to practice, play more, and enjoy learning.

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